Kamis, 16 Februari 2017


Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions in biological systems in terms of the biocatalyze which has the nature of catalysts in general are involved react, but at the end of the reaction will be retrieved in its original form. The aims of this experiment was to determine of the value of Vmax and KM using the relationship curve between the enzymatic reaction rate and substrate concentration.  The method used was quantitative analysis. Then, the instrument used was Spectronic 20+. In this experiment were used five test tubes for each 20 minutes and 0 minute of incubation. In this case, the substrate used was casein and the enzyme used was trypsin. The kinetics of enzyme reactions can be determined by calculating the value of KM and Vmax. The value of Vmax and KM are determined by using the relationship curve between the rates of enzymatic reaction with substrate concentration The result of this experiment is the value of KM and Vmax for the enzymatic reaction with the enzyme trypsin and casein substrate with t = 0 minute and t = 20 minutes were 0.424 mg/mL and 0.518 mmole/minutes. 
Keywords: Enzyme, Anson method, Lineweaver-Burk plot

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